Icoon van PotatoNext

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Quality Assurance

Food safety, quality, sustainability and CSR

From the reliable varieties full of vigor in the field to the carefully sorted, washed and packaged potato varieties for the customer. At PotatoNext, growers and customers are assured of quality. Throughout the entire potato chain, we work on a fresh and safe product with respect for people and the environment. Every step in the process can be followed. Read here how thoroughly we approach quality assurance.

A variety of certifications and quality marks

In the field of quality assurance, we like to be audited by external parties. Because quality, sustainability and food safety are central to PotatoNext. Our potatoes meet the highest standards and are supported by prestigious certifications. We are committed to the programs below.

At PotatoNext we strive to not only supply the best potatoes, but also to have a positive impact on people, the environment and society. Our certifications are a guarantee of quality and sustainability and we remain committed to continuous improvement.

Quality support for growers

The approximately 200 member growers affiliated with PotatoNext guarantee a wide range of conventional and organic potatoes for consumption. These high-quality varieties are carefully grown and selected to meet the various requirements of customers. In our cooperative we share knowledge and support each other intensively in the field of variety selection, cultivation, harvest, storage and certification programs.

Do you need help as a grower with certification programs and other quality matters? Click here, we are happy to assist you.

Our promise: fresh, safe and fast delivery

PotatoNext supplies approximately 160,000 tons of fresh potatoes every year. We closely follow every step in the chain, from grower to retailer. At PotatoNext Processing B.V. – currently located in Purmerend and Oud-Beijerland but fully active in Oud-Beijerland in the near future – our products are inspected, washed, dried, sorted and packaged. If desired, we keep the chain cooled from origin to delivery.

By continuing to innovate and produce smartly and efficiently, buyers can be assured that only optimally fresh potatoes of the desired quality end up in the right packaging. Safety and speed go hand in hand. PototoNext ensures a streamlined process, on which the supply chain planners are on top. Nothing escapes the professionals in our advanced machine park. From the employee who sorts the potatoes into the right size to the operator who carries out the checks… Everyone at PotatoNext keeps an eye on the quality and food safety of the healthy and fresh top product that we promise our customers.

This is how we work with respect
for the environment and people

At PotatoNext, we would like to take our responsibility in the field of corporate social responsibility and sustainability. Transparency, caring for each other and for the world around us, attention to the ecological impact of our actions and working with an eye for the future are central. We believe it is important that our growers and the other driven forces who trade, process and transport our potatoes receive the appreciation they deserve. And we do our utmost to help people and nature flourish.

On the land

Growing potatoes requires relatively little water, which puts less burden on the environment than many other crops. Our growers grow and protect their potatoes in the most natural way possible. Contributing to biodiversity is playing an increasingly important role.

In the workplace

At PotatoNext Processing we recycle the water from the laundry and separate the waste flows in the production areas. As a large packer of consumption potatoes, we also package our products in transparent films that are 100 percent recyclable. This is how we reduce the waste mountain.

In the store and with the customer

Our sustainable and transparent packaging material keeps the potatoes fresh for longer and slows down the process of green discoloration and sprouting, allowing consumers to store the product at home for longer. This is how we try to prevent food waste.

“At PotatoNext we strongly believe in creating a working environment where growth, collaboration and well-being are central”

This is how we value the people who work for us

At PotatoNext, we strive to have a positive impact on our employees and the communities in which we operate. Our employment conditions go beyond just the legal aspects; they reflect our shared values and our commitment to responsible business operations. These terms are designed to be not only legally correct, but also focused on the well-being and growth of each employee.

We recognize the value of open communication and encourage a culture of mutual respect and understanding. In our environment we strive for a place where everyone has the space to thrive, where talents are utilized and where we jointly strive for common goals.

At PotatoNext we strongly believe in creating a working environment where growth, collaboration and well-being are central. It is an invitation not only to join our journey of growth and success, but also to form a community driven by dedication, innovation and collective success.

Welcome to PotatoNext – Together we are stronger! We are about more than just work; it’s about an environment where our people are valued and where collaboration and success go hand in hand.

Finally, PotatoNext is a member of the Supply Chain Initiative, a European initiative that promotes fair trade practices in the food supply chain.